details: 'clueless maphacking pieces of shit'

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General information

Mini Map


team 1
OrcM.I.Bbel (pink | 54 APM | 1451 actions | 26:41)
Hero icon 5 Far Seer
Ability icon 2 Feral Spirit
Ability icon 3 Chain Lighting
Hero icon 4 Shadow Hunter
Ability icon 2 Healing Wave
Ability icon 2 Serpent Ward
Hero icon 2 Tauren Chieftain
Ability icon 1 War Stomp
Ability icon 1 Endurance Aura

» actions
Build / train79
Enter build submenu24
Enter hero's abilities submenu11
Right click881
Select / deselect367
Use ability89
1451 total
» units
Troll Headhunter/Berserker3
Wind Rider14
Troll Witch Doctor1
51 total
» upgrades
Melee Weapons1
Spiked Barricades1
Shaman Training2
Envenomed Spears1
Ranged Weapons1
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow8
War Mill2
Spirit Lodge2
Watch Tower5
Great Hall2
Voodoo Lounge1
26 total
» build order
00:22 Altar of Storms
00:25 Orc Burrow
00:56 Barracks
01:11 Orc Burrow
01:32 War Mill
01:37 War Mill
02:57 Orc Burrow
04:21 Stronghold
05:16 Orc Burrow
06:55 Beastiary
06:59 Beastiary
08:36 Spirit Lodge
08:40 Spirit Lodge
09:15 Fortress
09:33 Watch Tower
11:14 Orc Burrow
11:24 Great Hall
11:30 Great Hall
13:54 Orc Burrow
15:10 Watch Tower
15:14 Voodoo Lounge
15:20 Orc Burrow
16:54 Watch Tower
16:56 Watch Tower
18:24 Orc Burrow
18:56 Watch Tower
» items
Scroll of Town Portal2
Healing Salve2
4 total
HumanLoveLoveLove (orange | 56 APM | 3484 actions | 62:33)
Hero icon 7 Archmage
Ability icon 3 Summon Water Elemental
Ability icon 3 Brilliance Aura
Ability icon 1 Mass Teleport

» actions
Assign group hotkey535
Basic commands268
Build / train107
Enter build submenu78
Enter hero's abilities submenu6
Give item / drop item3
Right click1598
Select / deselect405
Select group hotkey328
Use ability156
3484 total
» units
Gryphon Rider17
Mortar Team1
Siege Engine1
55 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting2
Storm Hammers1
Animal War Training1
Magic Sentry1
16 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Scout Tower48
Arcane Tower1
Town Hall4
Lumber Mill3
Gryphon Aviary3
Arcane Vault4
Guard Tower8
Arcane Sanctum1
96 total
» build order
00:47 Altar of Kings
00:49 Barracks
00:54 Farm
01:05 Farm
01:20 Scout Tower
01:36 Farm
02:15 Blacksmith
02:44 Arcane Tower
03:22 Keep
04:25 Farm
04:28 Farm
06:28 Town Hall
07:42 Lumber Mill
07:52 Castle
08:03 Gryphon Aviary
08:04 Gryphon Aviary
08:05 Gryphon Aviary
09:18 Farm
09:22 Farm
09:25 Farm
14:59 Town Hall
15:03 Scout Tower
15:04 Scout Tower
15:05 Scout Tower
15:07 Scout Tower
15:07 Scout Tower
15:08 Scout Tower
15:19 Arcane Vault
16:09 Guard Tower
16:11 Guard Tower
17:44 Arcane Vault
17:47 Arcane Vault
18:56 Town Hall
19:02 Scout Tower
19:03 Scout Tower
19:04 Scout Tower
19:05 Scout Tower
19:22 Lumber Mill
19:33 Farm
19:33 Farm
19:35 Farm
19:38 Farm
20:07 Guard Tower
21:39 Scout Tower
21:40 Scout Tower
21:41 Scout Tower
21:43 Scout Tower
21:43 Scout Tower
21:44 Scout Tower
21:46 Scout Tower
21:47 Scout Tower
21:48 Scout Tower
21:49 Scout Tower
21:50 Scout Tower
21:51 Scout Tower
21:51 Scout Tower
21:52 Scout Tower
21:59 Scout Tower
22:00 Scout Tower
22:03 Scout Tower
22:34 Guard Tower
23:47 Lumber Mill
24:15 Guard Tower
24:56 Scout Tower
24:57 Scout Tower
24:59 Scout Tower
25:00 Scout Tower
25:01 Scout Tower
25:03 Scout Tower
25:04 Scout Tower
25:05 Scout Tower
25:06 Scout Tower
25:06 Scout Tower
25:07 Scout Tower
27:02 Guard Tower
42:14 Town Hall
42:18 Scout Tower
42:19 Scout Tower
42:20 Scout Tower
42:21 Scout Tower
42:23 Scout Tower
42:25 Scout Tower
42:26 Scout Tower
42:27 Scout Tower
42:28 Scout Tower
42:55 Guard Tower
42:59 Arcane Vault
43:30 Guard Tower
45:03 Workshop
45:05 Workshop
46:11 Arcane Sanctum
50:19 Workshop
50:19 Workshop
50:20 Workshop
50:25 Workshop
50:29 Workshop
» items
Scroll of Town Portal1
Potion of Healing1
Scroll of Regeneration5
Healing Salve5
Periapt of Vitality3
Staff of Teleportation1
Dust of Appearance1
17 total
Human2easy4me (purple | 44 APM | 2759 actions | 62:33)
Hero icon 6 Paladin
Ability icon 3 Holy Light
Ability icon 2 Divine Shield
Ability icon 1 Resurrection
Hero icon 4 Mountain King
Ability icon 2 Storm Bolt
Ability icon 2 Bash

» actions
Assign group hotkey45
Basic commands5
Build / train131
ESC pressed14
Enter build submenu29
Enter hero's abilities submenu10
Give item / drop item8
Remove unit from queue11
Right click1582
Select / deselect599
Select group hotkey132
Use ability193
2759 total
» units
Siege Engine14
Makrura Deepseer2
Makrura Snapper1
Flying Machine-9
Troll Batrider4
Troll Headhunter/Berserker1
65 total
» upgrades
Lumber Harvesting1
Animal War Training1
Flak Cannons1
10 total
» buildings
Altar of Kings1
Arcane Vault1
Lumber Mill1
Town Hall3
Scout Tower4
Guard Tower2
34 total
» build order
00:03 Altar of Kings
00:04 Farm
00:34 Barracks
01:11 Farm
01:28 Farm
02:55 Barracks
02:59 Farm
05:22 Keep
05:24 Farm
05:25 Farm
05:28 Arcane Vault
05:32 Lumber Mill
06:29 Town Hall
06:33 Scout Tower
06:34 Scout Tower
06:37 Scout Tower
06:38 Scout Tower
07:51 Guard Tower
08:14 Farm
08:15 Farm
09:20 Castle
09:20 Castle
09:40 Blacksmith
12:20 Workshop
12:22 Workshop
12:24 Workshop
16:08 Farm
16:10 Farm
16:10 Farm
17:18 Town Hall
23:15 Farm
23:16 Farm
23:20 Guard Tower
29:39 Town Hall
» items
Scroll of Healing1
Scroll of Protection2
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Dust of Appearance2
Scroll of Town Portal4
Scroll of Regeneration2
Potion of Healing3
Lesser Clarity Potion6
Boots of Speed1
Ivory Tower1
Mechanical Critter1
Scroll of Speed1
Healing Salve1
Potion of Mana1
28 total
Random» Orcb133 (red | 37 APM | 2337 actions | 62:33)
Hero icon 7 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm

» actions
Assign group hotkey43
Basic commands50
Build / train77
ESC pressed12
Enter build submenu42
Enter hero's abilities submenu7
Right click1126
Select / deselect643
Select group hotkey156
Use ability181
2337 total
» units
Troll Batrider11
Wind Rider3
43 total
» upgrades
Liquid Fire1
Reinforced Defenses1
Ranged Weapons3
Spiked Barricades3
Envenomed Spears1
14 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms2
Orc Burrow6
Great Hall3
Voodoo Lounge1
War Mill1
Watch Tower38
58 total
» build order
00:10 Altar of Storms
00:21 Orc Burrow
00:44 Barracks
01:44 Orc Burrow
05:17 Orc Burrow
05:21 Stronghold
06:44 Great Hall
08:17 Fortress
08:22 Voodoo Lounge
10:46 Beastiary
10:50 Beastiary
11:43 Orc Burrow
13:09 War Mill
14:31 Watch Tower
14:32 Watch Tower
14:38 Watch Tower
17:19 Watch Tower
17:20 Watch Tower
18:56 Watch Tower
18:58 Watch Tower
18:59 Watch Tower
18:59 Watch Tower
23:04 Watch Tower
23:05 Watch Tower
23:06 Watch Tower
23:09 Watch Tower
24:36 Watch Tower
24:37 Watch Tower
32:42 Watch Tower
32:42 Watch Tower
32:43 Watch Tower
32:44 Watch Tower
32:46 Watch Tower
32:47 Watch Tower
34:38 Watch Tower
34:39 Watch Tower
34:40 Watch Tower
35:26 Beastiary
35:32 Beastiary
35:56 Great Hall
36:41 Watch Tower
36:42 Watch Tower
36:43 Watch Tower
36:47 Watch Tower
36:48 Watch Tower
37:29 Watch Tower
37:30 Watch Tower
37:43 Watch Tower
37:45 Watch Tower
37:46 Watch Tower
37:58 Watch Tower
38:12 Orc Burrow
38:29 Altar of Storms
38:57 Orc Burrow
39:03 Great Hall
39:22 Watch Tower
39:23 Watch Tower
39:24 Watch Tower
» items
Boots of Speed1
Staff of Teleportation1
Dust of Appearance3
Scroll of Healing1
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability2
Orb of Lightning1
Staff of Sanctuary1
10 total
team 2
UndeadiAchieve_Dreams (green | 24 APM | 72 actions | 03:00)

» actions
Build / train9
Enter build submenu8
Right click31
Select / deselect17
Use ability7
72 total
» units
8 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
7 total
» build order
00:23 Graveyard
00:35 Crypt
00:46 Ziggurat
01:06 Altar of Darkness
01:26 Tomb of Relics
01:37 Ziggurat
02:14 Crypt
Undeadimwastedagain (teal | 15 APM | 410 actions | 28:05)
Hero icon 5 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 3 Unholy Aura
Hero icon 3 Pandaren Brewmaster
Ability icon 2 Drunken Brawler
Ability icon 1 Breath of Fire

» actions
Basic commands95
Build / train61
Enter build submenu10
Enter hero's abilities submenu8
Give item / drop item3
Right click4
Select / deselect171
Use ability58
410 total
» units
Crypt Fiend15
19 total
» upgrades
Creature Attack3
Creature Carapace3
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Darkness1
Tomb of Relics1
Halls of the Dead1
Black Citadel1
Spirit Tower3
14 total
» build order
00:39 Graveyard
00:44 Crypt
00:51 Crypt
01:05 Ziggurat
01:25 Ziggurat
02:28 Altar of Darkness
02:37 Ziggurat
03:47 Ziggurat
03:54 Tomb of Relics
04:21 Halls of the Dead
07:22 Black Citadel
11:30 Spirit Tower
16:18 Spirit Tower
17:13 Spirit Tower
» items
Dust of Appearance3
Potion of Healing10
Orb of Corruption2
Scroll of Town Portal5
20 total
OrcBSEBLLBATMASTER (blue | 59 APM | 3663 actions | 62:33)
Hero icon 9 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Ability icon 2 Mirror Image

» actions
Assign group hotkey38
Basic commands96
Build / train90
ESC pressed1
Enter build submenu36
Enter hero's abilities submenu9
Give item / drop item7
Right click1978
Select / deselect577
Select group hotkey688
Use ability143
3663 total
» units
Troll Batrider15
41 total
» upgrades
Spiked Barricades3
Ranged Weapons2
Berserker Strength1
Troll Regeneration1
Liquid Fire1
Reinforced Defenses1
Burning Oil2
Berserker Upgrade1
16 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms2
Orc Burrow7
War Mill2
Spirit Tower2
Watch Tower11
Voodoo Lounge3
34 total
» build order
00:06 Altar of Storms
00:14 Orc Burrow
00:55 Barracks
01:23 Orc Burrow
02:17 War Mill
03:06 Orc Burrow
03:18 Spirit Tower
03:46 Watch Tower
03:51 Watch Tower
03:58 Watch Tower
04:32 Voodoo Lounge
04:43 Spirit Tower
05:12 Watch Tower
05:15 Stronghold
05:30 Watch Tower
05:38 Watch Tower
06:34 Orc Burrow
07:55 Watch Tower
08:00 Beastiary
08:03 Beastiary
08:08 Watch Tower
11:38 Fortress
28:32 Voodoo Lounge
39:30 Altar of Storms
40:19 Watch Tower
40:22 Watch Tower
40:25 Watch Tower
42:07 Voodoo Lounge
42:19 Orc Burrow
44:25 Orc Burrow
48:04 Barracks
48:06 Barracks
49:15 Orc Burrow
55:10 War Mill
» items
Healing Salve5
Boots of Speed1
Lesser Clarity Potion6
Scroll of Town Portal2
Orb of Lightning2
Potion of Mana1
Tiny Great Hall1
Staff of Teleportation1
19 total
Random» OrcFear_Thy_Pro (yellow | 39 APM | 1850 actions | 47:10)
Hero icon 10 Blademaster
Ability icon 3 Wind Walk
Ability icon 3 Critical Strike
Ability icon 1 Bladestorm
Ability icon 3 Mirror Image
Hero icon 3 Death Knight
Ability icon 2 Death Coil
Ability icon 1 Unholy Aura

» actions
Basic commands18
Build / train67
Enter build submenu31
Enter hero's abilities submenu13
Give item / drop item4
Remove unit from queue1
Right click1099
Select / deselect491
Use ability126
1850 total
» units
Wind Rider8
23 total
» upgrades
Spiked Barricades1
Ranged Weapons3
Envenomed Spears1
Reinforced Defenses1
7 total
» buildings
Altar of Storms1
Orc Burrow8
War Mill1
Voodoo Lounge1
Watch Tower11
Great Hall1
29 total
» build order
00:15 Altar of Storms
00:17 Orc Burrow
00:34 War Mill
01:11 Voodoo Lounge
02:11 Watch Tower
02:42 Orc Burrow
03:34 Stronghold
03:43 Watch Tower
04:25 Watch Tower
05:40 Orc Burrow
06:01 Beastiary
06:04 Beastiary
06:10 Beastiary
06:49 Watch Tower
07:25 Beastiary
07:28 Orc Burrow
08:00 Fortress
08:38 Orc Burrow
12:58 Orc Burrow
13:54 Orc Burrow
15:40 Orc Burrow
16:36 Watch Tower
17:05 Watch Tower
21:47 Watch Tower
21:50 Watch Tower
21:52 Watch Tower
24:39 Great Hall
24:41 Watch Tower
24:43 Watch Tower
» items
Healing Salve10
Lesser Clarity Potion4
Scroll of Healing1
Staff of Teleportation1
Orb of Lightning1
Potion of Healing1
Scroll of Town Portal2
20 total

Chat log

(00:16 / Allies) iAchieve_Dreams: mass fiends
(00:43 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I am the bat master. I will make bats and towers
(00:58 / Allies) iAchieve_Dreams: lol
(01:27 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: iam a newb
(01:29 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: :(
(01:33 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: sorry if i suck
(01:37 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: NP
(01:45 / Allies) imwastedagain: just have fun mate
(01:49 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: kk
(02:00 / Allies) imwastedagain: i got him
(02:02 / Allies) imwastedagain: or not

(03:04 / All) LoveLoveLove: lawl
(03:10 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Ragequit to bm harass
(03:16 / All) 2easy4me: so legit
(03:16 / All) imwastedagain: obviously
(03:48 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: someone get
(04:37 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: no ones getting?
(04:42 / Allies) imwastedagain: fuk him
(05:26 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: tower up

(08:26 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: they might expo here

(10:11 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: oj just told me in private
(10:13 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: he is backstabbing
(10:16 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: they stole his gold mine
(10:21 / Allies) imwastedagain: lol
(10:28 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: we still got this
(11:15 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: leave him alone, he is stabbing for us!
(11:24 / Allies) imwastedagain: help
(11:46 / Allies) imwastedagain: ok
(11:50 / Allies) imwastedagain: dont worry about it

(14:19 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: yellow you are jeopardising this for us! oj told me he will stab, don't hit him again
(14:29 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: k
(15:26 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: maphack?
(15:27 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: wtf
(15:31 / All) 2easy4me: sorry
(15:34 / All) 2easy4me: i hax0rs

(17:15 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: herosnipe and you have maphack
(17:16 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: lol
(18:02 / Allies) imwastedagain: yellow got alot of wyvs
(18:10 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: yep

(19:15 / Allies) imwastedagain: omw
(19:32 / All) 2easy4me: MASS PRAWNS
(19:43 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: tp fools
(20:34 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: hit here?
(20:54 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: that is the stabber
(20:56 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: DO NOT hit him
(20:59 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: he will help us win
(21:11 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you are jeopardizing this match for us

(22:41 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: nice Bm
(22:43 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: moron

(24:03 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: gotta meet up
(24:36 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: tp
(25:19 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: counter at red's expo

(26:45 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: use bats
(26:45 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: tp
(26:54 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: dude
(26:55 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: use bats..
(26:55 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: against raiders?
(26:56 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: wtf
(27:07 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: bats do not beat raiders fool
(27:15 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: on gryphs
(27:21 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: they weren't even attacking
(27:26 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: the raiders are killing me not gryphons moron
(27:37 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: tpo
(28:37 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: tp
(28:59 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: fucking maphacking trash
(29:04 / All) 2easy4me: so bad
(29:05 / All) b133: u are
(29:08 / All) b133: so bad
(29:10 / All) 2easy4me: i saw that
(29:18 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: red you are 385-398 and you have maphack
(29:21 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you aren't even 50% with hacks
(29:29 / All) b133: its u
(29:52 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: gimmie ur gold
(29:53 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: blue
(29:57 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I have a tiny hall
(29:59 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: i need it
(30:02 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you've done nothing for me
(30:03 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: ...
(30:06 / All) b133: needed what
(30:09 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: didn';t even help my base
(30:12 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: this expo fool
(30:24 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: gold me for it
(30:30 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: wtf do you think, maphacker with no map awareness? lol
(30:33 / All) 2easy4me: sigh./
(30:38 / All) b133: wtf u calling me that for
(30:42 / All) b133: idk whats going on
(30:44 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you did nothing for me when I needed it why would I do anything for you
(31:39 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: gold me for a expo?

(33:36 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: maphacker
(33:37 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: wtf
(33:48 / All) 2easy4me: get used to it
(33:51 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: nice ensnare bro
(33:52 / All) 2easy4me: we all know he does it
(33:56 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: no cancel on the staff
(34:47 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: red, you maphacked all game. now you're being stabbed. you aren't even at 50% with hacks. how does all of this make you feel?
(34:54 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you are terrible at wc3, and don't be afraid to admit it
(34:59 / All) b133: wtf u talking about
(35:04 / All) b133: im afk half the time
(35:05 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: oj is on my team fool
(35:05 / All) LoveLoveLove: He attacked my hall earlier
(35:07 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: he is whispering me
(35:09 / All) LoveLoveLove: He stabbed me first
(35:17 / All) b133: whos wispering
(35:19 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you've seen my BM wind walked wherever it is, obvious maphack
(35:33 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: not even trying to conceal it. don't play stupid, dumbfuck. you are without having to act it
(35:51 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: lets kill halls
(35:51 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: come
(36:04 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: k sec
(36:21 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I'll bladestorm it
(36:28 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: actually CD
(36:52 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you lost your BM to me twice carelessly BTW red
(37:07 / All) b133: well thats what hapens when ur afk
(37:13 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: lol, or staring at the enemy base
(37:31 / All) LoveLoveLove: Bottom right expo he is trying to take
(37:33 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: 100 p[lz
(37:38 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I'll take it first
(37:42 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: The bot left
(37:46 / All) LoveLoveLove: he's got a line of towers
(37:48 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: there are no expos available
(37:55 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: gimmie 100 blue..
(37:58 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: for a salve?
(38:01 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: yes
(38:04 / All) 2easy4me: "lovelovelove" probably a fagget
(38:06 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: k
(38:10 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: umad
(38:21 / All) 2easy4me: u bad
(38:28 / All) 2easy4me: you gotta get a win from a bser
(38:31 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: so bad that I fucked up this entire game with 1 hero
(38:31 / All) 2easy4me: after i own uo
(38:42 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: uo?
(38:45 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: ultima online
(38:57 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: bladestorm?
(39:02 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: k omw
(39:18 / All) 2easy4me: dead bm
(39:25 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: yeah, my bad
(39:38 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: projectiles hitting after running out of distance is so gay
(39:41 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: u got altar
(39:43 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: dont build another
(39:48 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: didn't even notice ty
(39:53 / All) 2easy4me: he stopped you.
(39:58 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: ?
(40:01 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I have an expo now
(40:03 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: doesn't even matter
(41:01 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: lend me moeny for expo?

(43:11 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: so...
(43:14 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: u dont wanna lend some gold?
(43:16 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: ...
(43:19 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: where would you expo?
(43:36 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: just help me tower
(43:38 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: not available
(43:42 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: he ahs all the other 3 expos
(44:14 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: then jsut feed me
(44:16 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: for more air

(45:33 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: hall
(45:48 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: noob blue
(45:54 / Allies) Fear_Thy_Pro: ur teaming with him now?
(46:01 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: i always was sir
(46:03 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: from the very start
(46:05 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: that's why he stabbed
(46:13 / Allies) BSEBLLBATMASTER: and why I insulted you for hitting him
(47:04 / All) Fear_Thy_Pro: I tped but okay.
(47:06 / All) Fear_Thy_Pro: noob game
(47:08 / All) LoveLoveLove: lol
(47:09 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: sure
(47:20 / All) LoveLoveLove: Having fun purple?
(47:25 / All) 2easy4me: very much so
(47:27 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Red the maphacking pile of shit and purple are still in-game
(47:31 / All) LoveLoveLove: Not as much as I am
(47:43 / All) 2easy4me: i dont deserrve anything?
(47:43 / All) LoveLoveLove: They probably thing they can win
(47:50 / All) 2easy4me: i was fine?
(47:54 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Was
(47:56 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: You're pissed now
(47:57 / All) 2easy4me: red took the mine which made noob orange rage
(48:01 / All) 2easy4me: so yeah
(48:06 / All) LoveLoveLove: Nah blue is my friend
(48:10 / All) LoveLoveLove: I was going to bs anyway
(48:12 / All) 2easy4me: thats cool
(48:17 / All) LoveLoveLove: Still
(48:18 / All) LoveLoveLove: I was there first
(48:22 / All) LoveLoveLove: Way before you guys
(48:35 / All) LoveLoveLove: red "harassed" it therefore he claimed ownership even though we were rushing
(48:41 / All) LoveLoveLove: and I plopped down a hall first
(48:48 / All) 2easy4me: cry moar noob
(48:49 / All) LoveLoveLove: I was hiding my peons in the creep so they wouldn't see them
(48:50 / All) 2easy4me: get over it
(48:56 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I wanted to stab yellow for being a moron and teal because I recognised his name from ages ago, but they took care of themselve
(48:59 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: elves
(49:01 / All) LoveLoveLove: What makes you think I'm crying?
(49:06 / All) LoveLoveLove: I'm just stating patent facts
(49:12 / All) LoveLoveLove: You are going to lose btw
(49:15 / All) LoveLoveLove: Since his team left
(49:18 / All) LoveLoveLove: Yeah
(49:20 / All) LoveLoveLove: I would have
(49:34 / All) LoveLoveLove: But you didn't give you attacked my hall
(49:39 / All) LoveLoveLove: Asking for a backstab regardless
(49:48 / All) LoveLoveLove: Anyone would have stabbed you after that
(49:54 / All) LoveLoveLove: If you're gonna attack hall prepare to kill them utterly
(49:54 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Take, take, take. Learn to give.
(50:09 / All) LoveLoveLove: I've never been bsed
(50:22 / All) 2easy4me: i love oranges 20k gold
(50:28 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Me, too
(50:43 / All) LoveLoveLove: Hasn't happened other than militia tp
(50:47 / All) 2easy4me: this isnt worth the wait honestly.
(50:52 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Then leave, faggot
(50:57 / All) 2easy4me: thats still bs orange
(50:59 / All) 2easy4me: dumb noob
(51:03 / All) 2easy4me: i was going to
(51:05 / All) 2easy4me: now im not
(51:09 / All) LoveLoveLove: Well it doesn't matter to me
(51:17 / All) LoveLoveLove: I try to prevent assess to see if I can win
(51:19 / All) LoveLoveLove: if not leave
(51:24 / All) 2easy4me: You really should get better blue
(51:27 / All) 2easy4me: you're pretty bad
(51:30 / All) 2easy4me: teching on rush map
(51:30 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I soloed this with 1 hero
(51:35 / All) 2easy4me: LOL
(51:37 / All) 2easy4me: Kk bud
(51:41 / All) 2easy4me: orange bsed
(51:42 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Orange did the main killing
(51:43 / All) 2easy4me: you did nothing
(51:47 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I ensured that everyone couldn't recover
(51:53 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I took down two of your expos. One hero, son
(51:59 / All) LoveLoveLove: add a comma after prevent
(52:02 / All) LoveLoveLove: assess
(52:06 / All) LoveLoveLove: Look up the word
(52:20 / All) LoveLoveLove: Yeah
(52:24 / All) LoveLoveLove: We team in that
(52:32 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: If two expos die to 1 BM, you're bad and deserve the loss purple
(52:35 / All) LoveLoveLove: Are you trying to say you are good?
(52:42 / All) LoveLoveLove: You're sub 50% with map hack
(52:42 / All) 2easy4me: lol blue
(52:45 / All) LoveLoveLove: 0-8 ffa
(52:48 / All) LoveLoveLove: with map hack
(53:02 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Red is sub 50 with maphack too
(53:04 / All) LoveLoveLove: Aw
(53:11 / All) LoveLoveLove: You already killed red
(53:14 / All) LoveLoveLove: I was going to assault with tanks
(53:14 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: You had a whole team of faggots and shitties
(53:41 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: See the blue BMs? Nice maphack, sir
(53:53 / All) b133: ?
(54:01 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Oh look, red is back to feel his loss
(54:29 / All) LoveLoveLove: Purple tried to buddy up with red for gold lol
(54:59 / All) LoveLoveLove: I would bs them back
(55:04 / All) LoveLoveLove: Or leave
(55:08 / All) LoveLoveLove: Why do you ask
(55:13 / All) LoveLoveLove: You are the one that attacked me first
(55:17 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Like my war mill?
(55:21 / All) LoveLoveLove: I had already planned to take that gold mine
(55:24 / All) LoveLoveLove: well before you people
(55:29 / All) LoveLoveLove: watch replay I had you all beat
(55:34 / All) LoveLoveLove: I was bringing up peons as I went up there
(55:40 / All) LoveLoveLove: Because I told blue I was taking it
(55:48 / All) LoveLoveLove: it's generic
(55:49 / All) LoveLoveLove: for worker
(55:50 / All) LoveLoveLove: unit
(55:56 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: I love how when red had a perfect opportunity he didn't even kill my T3. Absolutely garbage. He threw his BM away countless tim
(55:58 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: times.
(56:30 / All) b133: what t3 r u talking about?
(56:39 / All) LoveLoveLove: HE would have let me take it
(56:39 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: My fortress
(56:42 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: jackass
(56:55 / All) b133: r u mad at me for some reason?
(57:00 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: not at all
(57:08 / All) b133: then why u talking like that
(57:09 / All) LoveLoveLove: You were either going to lose or being stuck in a game you couldn't win anyway
(57:12 / All) LoveLoveLove: But yeah you are a shitbag
(57:17 / All) LoveLoveLove: MAp hacker and attacked me hall
(57:18 / All) b133: how so?
(57:20 / All) LoveLoveLove: that I was building
(57:26 / All) b133: i just guess things
(57:26 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: because you're a typical stereotypical maphacking bag of shit who's sub 50% with hacks and terrible at the game
(57:29 / All) b133: what hacking?
(57:32 / All) LoveLoveLove: You are a map hacker
(57:38 / All) LoveLoveLove: WE thought it was going to be an error
(57:39 / All) b133: its called random guessing
(57:41 / All) LoveLoveLove: when game started
(57:42 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: how about all of your stuff automagically going after mine through fog of war?
(57:46 / All) LoveLoveLove: then I said someone must have hacks
(57:51 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: such as 500 km bat explosions?
(58:05 / All) LoveLoveLove: You do guess right 10/10 times and it be random
(58:08 / All) LoveLoveLove: don't*
(58:11 / All) b133: what r 500 km bat explosions
(58:19 / All) b133: well it is possible
(58:33 / All) b133: but im not that acurrate
(58:33 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: either you're playing stupid or you're a lobotomized shit-flinging cranially challenged ape
(58:46 / All) b133: well, if i am, how is it my fault
(58:50 / All) b133: if im lobotomized
(58:57 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: you voluntarily had half your brain removed
(59:00 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: what the fuck do you think
(59:06 / All) b133: what u mean 500 km bat explosions
(59:09 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: lol
(59:12 / All) b133: bats r supposed to explode
(59:21 / All) b133: ur bats exploded too
(59:23 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: not through fog of war, maphacking trash
(59:32 / All) b133: neither did mine
(59:40 / All) b133: they just flew around
(59:40 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: cool story brah
(59:47 / All) b133: and saw u
(59:50 / All) LoveLoveLove: This is the end
(59:54 / All) b133: and got martyrdom
(59:55 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: The bitter, bitter end
(60:07 / All) LoveLoveLove: Stop me red
(60:10 / All) LoveLoveLove: Stop me purple
(60:16 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Get your drophack up
(60:18 / All) b133: what even happens if someone supposedly maphacks?
(60:25 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Nothing for years, fool
(60:26 / All) LoveLoveLove: Not a damn thing
(60:34 / All) b133: since how many years?
(60:36 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Except humiliation by stabbers, I suppose.
(60:38 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: too many
(60:43 / All) LoveLoveLove: Unless they update and you're caught with one they can detect
(60:47 / All) LoveLoveLove: Then you get your cd-key banned
(60:47 / All) b133: and how would drophack help me now?
(60:52 / All) b133: b/c u still get a loss
(60:53 / All) LoveLoveLove: But that won't happen, probably
(61:06 / All) b133: what if u send blizzard a msg?
(61:07 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Karune might do it if he's making a new banner ad system
(61:12 / All) LoveLoveLove: they don't care
(61:16 / All) b133: whos Karune?
(61:25 / All) LoveLoveLove: A cocksucker
(61:31 / All) b133: mmm co ck
(61:32 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: A subhuman gorilla
(61:33 / All) LoveLoveLove: You'd get along famously
(61:34 / All) b133: cocka cola
(61:47 / All) b133: like that 6 year old giving me a blowjob
(61:48 / All) BSEBLLBATMASTER: Red must be expressing his inner retardation
(61:53 / All) LoveLoveLove: I will say if you ever did what you did to me
(62:04 / All) LoveLoveLove: Everyone that you did it to will just sit in their base waiting to team kill you
(62:09 / All) LoveLoveLove: Unless they really care about their record
(62:28 / All) LoveLoveLove: To an exceptional degree even for BNEt faggots
(62:30 / All) b133: well, im sorry if i hurt ur feelings